BA (Hons) in International Business and Tourism Management
Glasgow, Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta
2 Years
Hakemuksen jättämisen määräaika
Pyydä aikaisinta alkamispäivää
GBP 1 820 / per year *
* Home/EU students; £9250 RUK students; £11,500 International students
Tutki stipendimahdollisuuksia opintojen rahoittamiseksi
Accredited by: EPAS CIM TMI IOH
Year 3 Entry only
The BA (Hons) International Business and Tourism Management will prepare you to compete for a wide range of job opportunities in UK and internationally. While gaining a broad understanding of business and the society in which it operates, you'll also develop essential leadership, management and communication skills and the global perspective you need to excel in business and tourism management.
By choosing a joint honours in International Business and Tourism Management, you will gain a solid foundation in business and management and develop a distinct area of specialism in tourism, with 50% of your modules related to the tourism sector. You will acquire knowledge in destination development, planning, marketing and development, urban regeneration and finance for the tourism sector.
The course is accredited by the Institute of Hospitality as well as recognised by the Tourism Management Institute (TMI), this enables our students to become members, with associated benefits.
GCU is home to the Moffat Centre for Travel and Tourism Business Development which is the University’s consultancy and research centre for tourism and business development, which may allow interested students the opportunity to contribute towards research for some of the projects currently being carried out by the staff. See for more information.
Recent graduates have secured employment with The Scottish Government, Standard Life, Marriot Hotels, Radisson, Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group, Tesco PLC, Police Scotland and Microsoft UK.
International Student Start Dates
For new international students, orientation events start on 15 September 2017. This extra time is specifically designed to assist new international students in settling into the UK and GCU prior to the start of general student induction and teaching.
There will be a whole host of fun and informative activities taking place during this period, including campus and city tours, as well as welcome events where you can meet other international students.
EPAS Accredited
The Business Programme Suite, BA/BA(Hons) International Business (including joint awards) and BA/BA(Hons) Business Management, is accredited by the European Foundation for Management Development Programme Accreditation Scheme (EPAS).
Five Star award
This course has been awarded five QS Stars as part of the prestigious QS Stars Business Schools rating system.
Language Option
In response to increasing demands from employers for cultural awareness, we encourage our students to develop a level of linguistic competence in a foreign language. You’ll have the option to study modern languages including French, Spanish, German and Italian from beginners to professional level depending on your previous knowledge.
Assessment Methods
Our approach to learning, teaching and assessment is tailored to the needs of international businesses. We adopt a wide range of learning and teaching methods to ensure that not only will you gain the necessary knowledge and understanding of the international business world, but also develop your intellectual and personal skills.
Assessment strategies involve traditional approaches such as exams and essays but also include more contemporary forms of assessment which are work related to prepare you for the workplace's style of reporting (e.g. presentations/reports) or use digital technologies and mobile devices.
Teaching Methods
The learning and teaching methods we use ensure that the programme is both vocationally relevant and academically challenging. Our approach is student-centred, practical and relevant to the needs of the student and employers. We've moved the focus to a more independent learning approach, where you will be encouraged to generate and critically evaluate theory and practice.
As well as the traditional lecture, seminar and workshop formats, we adopt a multi-platform approach to learning that includes a wide range of supporting material, including podcasts, webinars (internet-based seminars), discussion boards and independent (including web-based) study. In tutorials, we encourage students to participate and contribute to the learning environment through discussion and group work.
Throughout our programme, you will also engage in 'real world' scenarios through live industry projects, case studies and investigations and be encouraged to maximise industry links and work experience to put into practice the theoretical concepts and frameworks you're learning.
The range of modules from theoretical to practical and business-orientated is designed to equip you with a critical awareness of the role of business in society. You will develop the wide range of knowledge and skills necessary to excel as a leader in industry or to launch your career as a (social) entrepreneur.
Mitä opiskelet
Vuosi 3
Matkailun ja vieraanvaraisuuden vastuullisuus ja etiikka, kohdekehityksen imago ja markkinointi, kaupunkien alueellinen elvyttäminen, yrityksen arvohaaste, liiketoiminnan tutkimusmenetelmät tai kieli ja taidot sekä kansainvälinen liiketoimintastrategia. Suoraan saapuville opiskelijoille tarjotaan mahdollisuus vaihtoon kolmanneksella B
Vuosi 4
Palkitsee väitöskirjan ja moduulit maailmantalouden ajankohtaisista kysymyksistä, kestävästä kehityksestä, yritysvastuusta ja etiikasta kansainvälisessä liiketoiminnassa, matkailun kriittisistä kysymyksistä sekä matkailu- ja ravintola-alan tulojen ja rahoituksen hallinnasta.
Apurahat ja rahoitus
Teollisuuden linkit
Tässä ohjelmassa painotetaan voimakkaasti opiskelijoiden yhdistämistä suoraan yrityksiin. Kutsumme säännöllisesti vierailevia puhujia luokkahuoneeseen antaaksemme sinulle ajantasaisen työnantajan ja toimialan näkökulman. Sinulla on mahdollisuus saada ensikäden kokemusta "live" -tapaustutkimushaasteiden ja -projektien kautta, mikä antaa sinulle ainutlaatuisen käsityksen joidenkin Ison-Britannian suurimpien yritysten toiminnasta.
Digitaalisella tasolla teet yhteistyötä todellisten yritysjohtajien ja toimitusjohtajien kanssa sosiaalisen median, wikien ja blogien avulla tarjoten sinulle käytännön taitoja, verkostoitumismahdollisuuksia, tärkeitä oivalluksia ja kilpailuetua valmistumisen yhteydessä.
Ohjelman lukukausimaksu
Tietoja koulusta
Samanlaisia kursseja
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