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United International Business School BIM - Kansainvälisen johtamisen kandidaatti - Matkailun hallinta
United International Business School

BIM - Kansainvälisen johtamisen kandidaatti - Matkailun hallinta

3 Years


Täysaikainen, Osa-aikainen

Hakemuksen jättämisen määräaika

Pyydä aikaisinta alkamispäivää

CHF 73 800 *

Sekoitettu, Etäopiskelu, Kampuksella

* price may be different depending on location




Program duration: 3 up to 4 years, full-time
Program format: Full-time, Part-time, On-campus, Online, Hybrid
Program language: English
Degree awarded: BIM - Bachelor in International Management
Deadline: no deadline to apply
Locations: Amsterdam, Antwerp, Barcelona, Brussels, Geneva, Madrid, Milan, Tokyo, Zurich
Starting dates: 8

Program duration

Full-time students can earn a Bachelor degree in 3 academic years of 9 months, for a total of 9 quarters of 20 credits each, or in 4 academic years for a total of 12 quarters of 15 credits each when spreading the workload.

Kick-start your studies up to 8 times per year

Students can choose between multiple starting dates in the fall, winter, spring, and summer of each academic year. Our modular course design and program structure allow for optimal further education planning.

Because of the program's flexible structure and modular design, multiple starting dates are available throughout the academic year in October, November, January, February, April, May, July, or August. All campuses follow the same academic calendar.


Study destinations

Students can transfer between campuses on a quarterly basis with guaranteed program compatibility. Our quarter-based academic calendar allows for a continuous study-abroad experience across Europe and Asia.

Our 9 global campus locations are based in Amsterdam, Antwerp, Barcelona, Brussels, Geneva, Madrid, Milan, Tokyo, and Zurich.

Our campuses are all located in the city center of several exciting destinations. Students are encouraged to transfer between campuses for one or more quarters, but may also choose a single campus as their destination of choice. Students who prefer shorter periods abroad can join our seminar courses taught by visiting professors at several of our campuses throughout the academic year.



Opinto-ohjelman onnistuneesti suoritettuaan opiskelijat saavat kansainvälisen yksityisen BIM-tutkinnon - Kansainvälisen johtamisen kandidaatti - Matkailun hallinta -tutkinnon, jonka koulun pääkonttori myöntää Sveitsin Zürichissä paikallisten kampusten tiedekunnan suosituksesta, jossa opintopisteitä ansaittiin.

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